We provide first class trainings and seminars applying our high standards, currently only in German.

You can book your indivdualized in-house seminar (available in German and English) or deepen your knowledge around risk management by joining our hybrid seminars.

Certified basic and advanced trainings

Our seminars and trainings are enriched with numerous real-life practical examples which are chosen from operational risk management and the insurance sector.

The RISK EXPERTS Academy holds the seals of approval "Continuing Education Insurance Broker and Consultant in Insurance Matters" and "Continuing Education Insurance Agent" of the Institute for Research on Education of the Economy (ibw) and is thus considered a suitable independent educational institute for the mandatory continuing education to obtain necessary IDD points according to the Trade Regulation Act.

Our training offer is aimed to people who want to refresh or expand their knowledge in the field of technical loss prevention, insurance and risk management. Beginners, advanced learners, experts and specialists are equally addressed.

Modular in-house seminars for individual needs

We take on the conception and implementation of training courses that are specifically tailored to your company and your workforce.

If you have an individual training mix or a specific implementation idea for an in-house seminar, we are your perfect partner for this. Our modular system, in the form of 45-minute blocks, offers the possibility of an individual and flexible design that meets all your requirements. Starting from a group size of 8 persons, the costs for a seminar tailored to your wishes are comparable to the fees of public seminars.
